The only weapons I can install in those slots (even on the mechs I salvaged that wielded a weapon when I took them out) Is the Battle Fists on mechs that have fists, and hammer fists on mechs without. I've also destroyed a commando with a club, and Cyclops with a huge axe, salvaged both, and cant put a weapon on them. So I get back to the launch bay, go to repair said Dragon 1N, and I cant equip a melee weapon to it? This is 3rd situation I've had with this. So I took that too since Ive been trying soooo hard to find any mech that isn't the Hatchetman to use weapons with. Guess what else was in salvage? Thats right folk, the mace. The SOLE Dragon that was in that mission. I literally just finished a mission where a Dragon 1N was carrying a mace.

I keep coming across random enemy mechs- NORMAL VARIANT MECHS carrying melee weapons. I've been HOARDING melee weapons since the DLC dropped.